Oh, my ears and whiskers.....

....I'm late!

I'd been thinking it was high time I started a shawl for our friends S & J's first baby but have just discovered that another pair of friends are expecting their first around the same time too. Eek, that's a lot of knitting.

I'll have to ring up the Shetland wool brokers tomorrow and get some more of their fine, undyed wool sent down. Luckily I found I had some left over from Stan's shawl so I can make a start. Although I've knitted quite a few of them I still need the stained and dog-eared pattern to remind me of the exact numbers (of stitches, rows etc). It is started from the middle, which is what you see in the blip, and is worked outwards, so each row gets longer and longer and .....longer! Not difficult at all, but you do just have to keep going.

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