Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon

Snuggle Time

We had a busy start to our rainy Easter morning, sifting through treasures left by the bunny and then heading to our church's special family service (which ended up being a lot less family-friendly than it was billed, so it was a bit of a disappointment for Ben and me - not to mention a very bored A and E.) We had lunch at the Macaroni Grill afterward, and then came home. Full of his mac & cheese, E fell asleep en route and kept sleeping even when we moved him inside to the couch. The rest of us curled up on the couch too and enjoyed an afternoon by the fire, watching a documentary about China followed by some old He-Man and She-Ra cartoons I got from the library.

At one point I got up to get an apple, and had to get this pic of Ben and E both zonked out on the couch! If you can envision me there snuggled in between A and E, you can envision the bulk of our Easter afternoon. I can't think of a better way to have spent it than snuggled between my babies!

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