
By Fi

Beach Burger

Didn't sleep too well last night and was awake at the crack of dawn, so took advantage of the cloudless sky and was pool-side, with my book by 8am. The other three finally surfaced and we pottered about in and around the water until we hit the beach for an outdoor BBQ lunch. Communal barbies are a common sight along the coastal areas here, where people can pitch up, cook up and clean up - all very relaxed and chilled out. It's all so easy. Free and plentiful parking, nice clean areas to sit, blue sky, cold beer etc etc...

Sorted out our final weekend - us girls are off to the Gold Coast for a couple of nights on the town and Dai is off camping with his mates. We need to decide what to do when we're there and my vote, unsurprisingly, is for something to pump the old adrenalin. I've looked into diving but I have inherited some sniffles and congestion, which isn't conducive to going to great depths, plus it's not cheap. I can't do everything...

Anyway - Easter break is over but I've got a week left. Yay!

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