Easter Sunday in Oz.

The Caloundra Sunday market was heaving and the main street was lined with more tat than you can shake a stick at. Having said that, there were some lovely stalls at fairly regular intervals that were worthy of a browse and it was quite a lively atmosphere, as the smells from the various food stalls of round-the-World foods (including Poland!) wafted in the air and the sounds of an aboriginal-ish fella digeridooing, bounced down the street. The highlight though, was a fella on what looked like one of those shop-mobility scooters, with a raised suspension, complete with streamers, making his way through the crowds. He had an array of musical instruments, but it was the dulcet tones of this that made me reach for the camera and switch to movie mode!

The afternoon was spent on Moffat Beach, in the sea. The shore dump (surfing speak) was pretty vicious when we arrived and its power made it difficult to get out beyond the surf. After a while we managed it and we happily bobbed up and down with the waves and did a bit of boogie boarding for about an hour. The intention was to have a go at surfing, but it was too rough. Lots of fun though and thankfully no bumps or bruises to report.

Roast chook and veggies for supper, followed by an indoor Easter-egg hunt! Four of us (all in our 30s) took it in turns to hide 12 foil-covered normal-sized chocolate eggs for the other three to race around and find. Cue more laughter in the Rees household!

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