All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan the mover and shaker!

Ethan is changing all the time but over the past few weeks we've seen a huge difference how he's starting to be able to entertain himself. We can now put him in the baby gym and he will lie there happily kicking his legs and waving his arms around for up to 20 minutes at a time. Usually just enough time for me to make a cuppa and a sandwich for lunch but changed days from when he cried when he was put down even for a second! I know this is a rubbish photo but he just didn't stop moving, hence the blur!

We had another quiet day at home, apart from a trip to Boots to pick up a prescription. Hubbie & I are really confined to the house at the moment as we're still having to tube feed Obi every 2-3 hours which means we can't go anywhere for long. His eyes are starting to look better, although still very hard to tell how much sight he has. He's spending most of his time sleeping in the airing cupboard or under the cot which aren't places he used to go at all before his accident. I think he's trying to avoid our other 3 cats who are still being very wary of him. Poor boy.

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