...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


What is this? I just loved the texture and pattern, tonal quality.
Just something fun for a Monday.

There were so many aftershocks today (see yesterday's news flash). If you are interested in seeing just how many there were today....All the boxes that are blue and red, hit today. The yellow ones, hit 24 hours ago. The building moved some today. There were messes, here and there. One desk was covered in binders and books. That wouldn't have been fun if we had all been at work. The elevators were down to only one running this morning. I had pictures that fell. A co-workers plants fell from the shelf...she had a mess at her station. But we are fairing pretty well. Doesn't look like any damage. These help to elevate pressure...so I am assured that the 'big one' will be less likely to strike. That's the earthquake shake report for today...

Stay tuned, if more happens...So Cal will let you know!!! :)

Happy Monday!!!

Oh by the way....it rained to day, this is Chopstix (my shy cat's) reflection, done in sepia tone!!!

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