...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

The earth shook...

and the stone rolled away!!!!

We went to my mom-in-law's after church for feasting and fun. Sitting at the dinner table, my brother-in-law and I looked at each other and said...'we are having an earthquake'. My in-laws live in a modular home on stabilizers, like jackstands but safer, I guess. The rooms were moving...we had enough time to walk into the livingroom, I got by the wall (the whole triangle of life thing) and my daughter and niece went for the door way...it went on for at least 45 seconds...OK, look at your second hand...clock 45 seconds...it is an eternity when the house is rolling. The sounds, some of the laughter turned silent when the rolling continued. It ended up being a 7.2 out of Mexico, which is a rocks through from San Diego. But look at a map, people...it was felt in LA & as far as Arizona.


Wow...it was an Easter we won't soon forget. When we got home, a couple pictures had fallen. It was too dark to check the hair-line cracks in the concrete in the backyard. Tomorrow we shall survey.

Back to work....gonna go chill awhile, hit the bed, for another fun filled week at the office!!! :)

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