Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Savannah is utterly wonderful, we were barely off the plane before we'd fallen in love with the place. It's so beautiful, I'm just wandering around happily oooohing and ahhhhing at everything.
I love the squares and the houses and the accents and the deep down old southern charm! Yes, I'm gushing, I can't help it, it's amazing. :O)

We are staying at the Thunderbird Inn, it's a proper old style roadside motel with a great big neon sign, retro (ie. really old) furnishings and somewhat bizarrely Elvis and other 60's tunes piping out of somewhere all day long. It's brilliant! We'd been a bit concerned about this one because it looked cool online but it could have gone either way and we couldn't afford to stay anywhere else within Savannah - cheapness and the promise of Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast won out. And so far so good, theres even a tv and a fridge in our room - most pleasantly surprised!

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