big windaes, but.

Easter time. A time for families. A time for rolling hard boiled eggs down hills and picnics with our loved ones. A time to take stock of the wonderful new season that has fallen upon our fair land. A time (if you are so inclined) to appreciate wonderful miracles where men come back to life in caves.

All sounding a bit chocolate boxy?

Yep. Easter in our house meant getting shot of the small one and hot footing it through to Glasgow for a weekend of out and out decadence.

Destination - Optimo on the Sunday night, Departing from Hinterland on the Saturday.

Fancy hotel suite upgrades, champagne, cocktails, 3 meals (1 McDonalds, but I was desperate and it's literally been 10 years since I had one), new trainers, multiple shopping trips AND a quick nip into the cinema to see Kick-Ass and...we didn't quite make the destination.

But oh god, did we have fun in the journey.

(by the way - Kick-Ass is a good film. What is it with Hollywood's obsession with young girls swearing whilst wielding big guns? Discuss...)

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