
By magpie

Tuesday's child is full of tea

Back to Edinburgh today and was kept suitably busy for the day, only managing to nip out for a minute to blip these beautiful lilac flowers that were begging for my attention from the kitchen window. I've opted for mono because I think it shows off their petals better.

I was all tea'd out after a pot with a pal in Brown's and a further pot in the Georgian House in Charlotte Square this afternoon. You know you're getting old when you judge the quality of places of cultural interest by what their cafe is like. So, the Georgian House is well worth a visit, especially for their Victorian sponge, and I'm sure for their lovely house with its fine collection of furniture, porcelain, silver and pictures.

I then went on to soak away the day in a sauna / steam room / jacuzzi situation, which was great but involved an incredible amount of continuous breathing in for two hours. That experience alone has left me exhausted.

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