The Big Four Ohhhhh
So I woke up a little older. Lots of lovely presents hauled over to France by Mr B.
40. Gulp. Actually don't really mind at all - just a number and all that. (And an excuse to get some lovely kind presents and be indulged for a day.)
It was the Easter procession in Ceret today - an open air ceremony (lots of prayers and incense) then processing with icons on platforms to the church. This chap seemed to be having a tough time keeping his end up, but kept on going nonetheless. The kids (ours) seemed quite nonplussed by what was going on, and I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable about Catholic ritual to be able to help them out. We didn't take part in any of the ceremony, but no-one seemed to mind me taking pictures, and a policeman even stood out of the way so I could get a better shot of this chap.
As the afternoon was cooler than yesterday, with a hot day forecast for tomorrow, I got on with some weeding. Then a glorious roast lamb dinner courtesy of Mr B, accompanied by a fine bottle of Paulliac.
I don't feel as old as I thought I would at 40. Somehow I think I expected by now I would feel like a grown up - like I'd gone through that big change that made me a responsible mature person. Maybe that never happens: folk just get better at pretending to be 'grown up'.
I wonder if this chap has ever 'grown up'. Or inside does he still feel like a 17 year old?
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