Country File

By marypot


Didn't get round to getting any photos taken until tonight, despite the fact we had a busy, happy day with friends (thank you Olivia for hospitality and lunch!). Also an eventful day as found we had a flat tyre when we came to leave for home - but Stephen, our friend Alison's Hubby, saved the day by re-inflating it enough for me to get the girls home and for Hubby to get the car back into the village to be fixed.

The girls are in bed, so no photo ops with them, and so it is a cat blip today! Baggins deserves to be the star of the show really, as he has had a hard couple of days. His prescription catfood ran out over the Easter weekend and had been rationed a while before that. He's had a few tray meals to keep him going, but today a new huge bag of his usual chow arrived. He's a happy chappy again!

Now going back to watching the latest episode of FRINGE (how absolutely amazing is that show???).

Backblipped yesterday...

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