A decade has passed

...in the blink of an eye.

From this .... to today.

James turned 10 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMBO!

I had no idea that he would bring me so much joy as he has done. He is such a wonderful son - I'm not saying that just because I am his mum, but because he is. He wit and intelligence beyond his years, he shows me unconditional love (well, maybe a few conditions - an xbox game or a bowl of ice-cream!), he makes me laugh out loud and makes me grateful for every day that I share with him.

I am a very lucky woman, to have a son and a husband as great as mine. I count my blessings every day.

James has had one of his friends round for most of the day, and for sleepover tonight - they are still awake - it is 11pm! The house has been full of laughter all day. They've eaten like horses. I've been listening to some random conversations which have made me smile. And, tonight, James built his first "Den" using one of our spare sheets. They came out after a little while as it was too warm in there - they begged for ice cream!!! Happy is my boy :-)

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