Family Dog

By Family_Dog

slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails...

If ever there was any proof required that time is a great big chomping machine that takes bites out of everything in it's path then spits it out before taking it is....

23 months ago, these tiny wee round faced babies hadn't even been born. Now look at them!

Today we met up with Thembie and Ryan, the first time we'd seen them since November. Thembie was the lovely woman across from me on the maternity ward who kept me sane whilst I was in there and Ryan is her gorgeous wee boy who was born 1 day after Arlo. I love that we've kept in touch, I love that the boys get on.

We took them to Molly's in Ocean Terminal so they could go nuts whilst Thembie & I caught up and they had an amazing time. We all did.

That is, until the pair of them rolled out of the safe baby zone, bombed across the floor at lightening speed, hurled themselves up onto the stair case of doom (disguised as a fully enclosed tree trunk) and then vanished up the stairs, cackling like a pair of naughty school boys. Given that I had never been in that part of Molly's before, I had no idea what was actually at the top of this bloody tree, so there was nothing else for it, I had to go up after them.

As I kicked off my shoes and leapt up the tree I did have a fleeting worry that my fat arse might not actually fit all the way up, but there wasn't time for that - potential death was ahead - fat arse or not!

Fortunately, I can now say that I am slimmer than a massive, plastic tree trunk (relief!) so off I scurried behind them doing that 'I'm-shouting-at-you-CHILD-but-I-am-a-bit-scared-of-using-my-proper-shouting-voice-in-a-public-place-so-I'm-pretending-to-find-this-all-rather-amusing-ho-ho-ho voice and got to the top of the stairs just as Ryan was about to launch himself head first down a very steep and very scary looking slide.

The pair of them were grinning from ear to ear and desperately trying to wriggle out of my grip so they could zoom down and my only option (other than sliding down a fireman's poll with the 2 of them) was to go down the slide with them. Bloody hell. Down we went, arms and legs and small children everywhere, down down down to the crash mats at the bottom. Boys laughing, and most importantly, not broken.

Oof! What a bloody fright they gave me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't totally love whizzing down the slide at the end...I had to stop myself from shouting 'AGAIN! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anyway - thanks everybody for my lovely comments on my 300th Blip. Totally didn't realise it was a special blip! Will totally push the boat out for my 400th!!!

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