Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Little One

Leaving the pool today, both kids were laughing and giggling driving away in the golf cart. I could hear my daughter's little voice, "faster! FASTER!". Five minutes later, our little one was sound asleep in my husband's arms. Arizona fun is in full effect......

My mother-in-law and I were up with the early birds today for yoga class. A wonderful class full of the most friendly and delightful people. The class focused on deep stretching and promoting a sound mind, body and soul. When I stood up after an hour, my legs were wobbly and each muscle completely taxed. That is my idea of a good yoga class. Mentally stimulating and peaceful with lots of physical toning.

Everything is so quiet and relaxing here. It is a community full of people who are active and health conscious. When we pulled up to the house in the golf cart after yoga today, the neighbor gal was just heading out for her ceramics class. Now how much fun is that?! Everyone just moves at their own pace and the pace quickens fast due to the constant classes, events, and activities going on around here.

This afternoon, we spent a few hours at the pool. Our kids are little water dogs and spent almost the entire time doing cannon balls off of the pool's edge. Our son always counts to three. Our daughter just says three and then jumps. Woo, gotta keep a close eye on her. No fear with the water sports at this point. We had a nice little lunch down there and enjoyed soft serve vanilla ice cream cones.

Now were are having a little bit of quiet time. My daughter is napping. My son is watching a tractor movie (his favorite) because quote, "I know A LOT about tractors Mom". I figured that I would get my blip in early because after dinner we are heading down to a little party celebrating 50th anniversaries. There will be live music and our family loves festive little parties like this. It will be a nice tribute to couples who have been married for 50 years. Through thick and thin. Through sickness and health. And who have lived their lives loving one another. 50 years. So much history and wisdom. Life experience that has been shared for so many years together.

And then, it is Survivor night here. My in-laws are hooked. We all got hooked a few years back when my mother-in-law and I taught school. She threw a huge Survivor party for the staff that year without excluding the candy gummy worms and other creepy candies for effect. We love watching together and one year for Christmas I ordered her an official Survivor buff. She pulls it out every season for the finale. Everyone here in the house despises Russell because he is low down and dirty. To their shock and horror, I admitted that he was my favorite player. "Why not" I said, "his terrible ways keeps the game more interesting". So I am blipping early because we have a big night ahead of us........and a grill full of Salmon to enjoy.

Day 2 and still Arizona's biggest fan.

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