Michael Schumacher

This week has been one of those weeks where my daily posts on Blipfoto have gotten me into a little bit of strife. So much so that I had to ask the lovely folks at Blip central to delete two of my entries. The entries in question were not the right thing to be posting on a public forum (no, I wasn't nude, or semi-nude). I did the wrong thing and was advised to make amends by someone who I had casually given my Blip address to and who had stumbled on the offending images while browsing through my photos. They were some photos I took at work after a very long day when I had nothing else to offer. No excuses.

I did the wrong thing. It did however make me think. Joe, I hope you see this...suggestion. I was wondering if there was a way to limit the people who look at my/anyone's Blip to registered members and invited guests. That way if someone has my Blip address and types it in without the proper permission, well then nothing will come up. A sort of privacy setting. Just register first. Of course a registered Blipper could also choose to allow anyone to look from anywhere if he/she so chose. A sort of on/off privacy switch.

Now I say this because up until late this afternoon I didn't really mind who looks at what I have to say on my Blip. Not forgetting that earlier in the week, remember, I gave out my address and I posted something that someone took offence to. Mistake. Sorted.

That all changed at around 3.30pm when a couple of folks who don't value my wife...well, they did the wrong thing. If I had a privacy setting I could write what I feel like, right now.

The upshot is that because of shared computers, unwanted parties can look in on what I write, good or bad. I don't mind sharing with the whole of Blipfoto, and my invited guests...but when I want to say something that is close to home, like today, I am unable to express my feelings in writing the way I want to for fear of it being read by someone local. My Blip is as much a diary as it is a forum for posting my photographs. Some people want to keep their diaries private.

We all have our dignity.

I desperately want to say what I am thinking.

...Maybe in a few weeks.

Jo, you are the greatest and I am your biggest supporter and best friend. And I love you.

I hope what I wanted to say made sense....

BTW, do you like my Michael Schumacher team shirt? I love it!

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