
By reminisce

Early sunsets

Its scorching hot this summer in Hyderabad and I was so surprised the sun had set soon after 6. I have never walked around the building with my camera until today. I have recently started noticing how many pretty birds are seen in the gardens. But I was late and there wasn't enough light to shoot birds. I got mostly silhouettes which were kind of OK. This flower had a better background of leaves and was closer so got this one. Will shoot the birds some time with better light.

I have been sick all of this week. With cold and flu to an infection in my ear, leading to a minor operation. Overall the pain was unbearable and the medication only helped control it. I am better now and fighting to be fine soon. Seems like some water went into my ear during the swim and caused infection. This is a little weird as water always comes out again and this time it did not. Too bad I suffered all week and could not catch up with the load of work assigned to me. Will do so on Monday.

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