
By reminisce

At the mercy of....

Don't even remember the last time I got this sick with a cold. Had a bad night coughing continuously. I had so many things to go check on and then there is going to be work to do from tomorrow. Here I see not too many signs of getting drastically better. I was fine yesterday evening after the doctor checked me. Had hoped to be so much better this morning. But the cough gave me a bad throat ache and I feel really low and down. Can't even get a doctor on a Sunday. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. So why even think???

P.S. Just woke up after a nap. The guy who is getting me my cycle called to check if I am sure i want it so he can go ahead an order it. I said Yes it's high time I get the bike. So he is going to order the Schwin Searcher Sport (small) for me and it will be here in a week. Yippee!! Sometimes things do turn better at the end!! :)))

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