Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Introducing Kerrsfish...

Meet (top to bottom) Pinky, Io and Titan (guess which one I named!). These are Kerrs other pets apart from Fudge. Kerrsdaddy and I had this lovely LSA Crystal Vase on our wedding gift list in John Lewis in 2004. When it arrived, neither of us were sure why we had chosen it as it looked just like a fish bowl and not like a vase at all! So we purchased Pinky, Io and Titan in March 2005, and lo and behold they are all still living and seem to be thriving!

I reckon neglect is the best way to achieve longevity in fish. They get a tiny amount of flaked food once a day, and their bowl gets cleaned out and a new filter put in about twice a year! Yesterday they were cleaned out properly, and Kerr now notices them - I'm sure he didn't know they even existed prior to this!

Today was such a lovely sunny day so I should really have done an outside blip. We went to Wemyss Bay to visit a colleague of kerrsdaddy whose wife just had a baby girl 3 weeks ago. We sat outside in their garden overlooking the sea which was lovely, but soon got too hot (!!) so we headed back indoors.

Kerr started saying 'dad' today quite clearly, and is now saying it almost non stop! When he is upset he still says 'amama'. We were trying to get him to say Fudge, and twice it sounded very like 'Udge' but I think it was just us getting too excited and hearing things!

About to go and settle down in front of the telly to watch the golf. I probably won't stay awake much past 10pm though - it's not the easiest thing to watch when you already feel sleepy to start with.

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