...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Hi Fashion!

Congratulations to my girl, she had her first 'paid' fashion show yesterday. And it's not what you think. She did the production for the show. She styled the models, choose the music and directed the runway. She has assisted many times, paid and unpaid, but yesterday was the first as a professional. It was for a resale shop in town. The owner was quite pleased and has mentioned she would like to do another one later in the year. After the show, the cash register was on fire. It was a great day for both of them.

This was a confidence boost and she is realizing more and more that this is her passion....a passion for fashion.

She utilize me as a model, however, I believe next time I would like to go behind the viewfinder and try my hand at shooting the models.

I am proud of her for working on her dream and doing what she loves. And every once in a while she allows me to fire the shutter at her. I like this shot, because it looks more high fashion....but the reality is, to me, it is more like...
'Hi Fashion'.

To my girl...you go GIRL...and make your way!!! In the meantime, God's got your back, and providing your needs...it will happen for you and I just want to say...CONGRATS and I love you!!!!

And thanks for the time to walk, talk and shoot ya!!!

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