...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

April Showers....

...bring May Flowers!!! And look at me...I didn't blip a 'flower' today.
Believe me, I was tempted. There were some cool ones on the way home. I don't even know what kind they were. But I was in a hurry to get home, fix dinner, make a couple cards and work on a 'full' book cover.
I am busy. But it is all good.

I will make this brief...after all....wORds bE fEW!!!

April Showers bring May Flowers,
traffic jams and the last for hours.
Water washed streets and cars wipers swishing,
umbrellas out, not good for fishing.
The air is fresh and dust is low,
sorry but it's time to go!!!

Lame!!! :D LOL!!!

Happy Monday!!!

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