Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo


I usually go to the Community Food Co-op three times a week after playing pickleball or petanque. I get a few groceries as needed, and buy the lunch special to take home to share with C. Some days she's with me when I shop.

I like to swing by the beer aisle to see what new and wonderful beers MIchael the beer man has found.

I think Michael has a hidden surveillance camera to look out for me, because he usually appears at my elbow as soon as I come to a halt in front of the shelves. Then he twists my arm until I buy something -- well, that's what I tell C. Once I managed to get to the checkout counter without picking up any beer, but MIchael caught up with me and put a couple of beers in my basket.

I've had to plead poverty a few times lately --- some of the best brews are quite pricey, as you can see in the blip. But they're so good!

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