Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Eat Local Food

It was looking doubtful whether the VW would be back home with a new fuel injector pump in time to take us to Vancouver on Tuesday.The dealer told us we couldn't take the loaner car across the border, so I thought I should get the vacuum out and try to remove most of the dog hair from the inside of the Trooper. When I'd finished, it felt like time for lunch (meal times are somewhat flexible chez nous). I was right -- when I walked into the kitchen, C presented me with this beautiful tuna salad and suggested I blip it. I know a good suggestion when I hear it -- funny how so many of them come from the same person.

The salad greens came from local farms and the tuna was caught off the coast of Washington. Our Cornish friend, Jeremy, is a commercial fisher, and once a year he organizes a cooperative tuna canning group that we participate in. It's a lot of fun, and the tuna is much better than any of the commercially canned fish we've tasted. This fish came from last year's canning.

It was a very healthy and delicious lunch to offset today's fried breakfast, for which I blame Pensioner.

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