
By scharwenka

Bursting out all over ....

Like the crocuses earlier, and the daffodils now, satellite dishes are popping up all over the place.

Even on the balcony outside my office, I have found four, and between them they bring in getting on for a thousand free-to-air TV channels and perhaps as many radio stations. Almost all of it is rubbish, of course, although there are sometimes nice concerts (on Arte, for example). Classic FM in Dutch was good while I was basking in the sun on Saturday, sitting on this balcony and using noise-reducing headphones (main road!).

The picture here is looking almost east. Here is another view looking north.

I must emphasize that I have little interest in television, and had no knowledge of satellite matters until I moved into this house. But there were two dishes already installed, and I am too fascinated by electronics and communications not to want to play with them. And one thing leads to another.....

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