Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Nothing quite like a poke in the eye

I headed out to the Opticians again for another go at the contact lenses. Nearly got it this time but was still blinking at the very last second. I've a week to practice holding my eye open then it's back in again. If I can't get it next time they won't let me try again and I REALLY need to be able to wear them!

I then head to pick up a pot of body paint, the guy seemed reluctant to sell me the oil based one and offered me water based instead. When I tried it out, I found out why. It's useless compared to other brands of oil based paint. Took the same 5 - 7 layers as the water based and yes, it doesn't crack the same but instead it goes greasy again after a while on the skin. Grrr!

It was Milo feeding day today. After last week's poor attempt and him taking so long before deciding to strike we were ready for a lengthy process. We warmed the mouse, The Boy took it in the tweezers and moved it near the feeding box and BAM! he was on it. They always say Royals will be fussy eaters if their temperatures aren't quite right so maybe the thermostat has sorted that.

This was taken after he'd swallowed dinner whilst he was resetting his face.

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