
By Fi

Nee Norrr

Was hoping to do this at HK but t'internet was slow in loading it up and I had to get on board again. Didn't see much other than planes and airports on the 12th. It was a tearful 7.30am departure from Di and Dai's - sad because I don't know when I'll see them again.

First up was an internal flight to Sydney - luggage collected there (minus a really funky luggage tag that I'd bought. It said "I Love Baggage Handlers" on it, but I don't any more), transferred to the International Terminal, for which they charged $5.50 for the privilege to go by bus - taxi & train were the other fee-paying options. Scandalous huh?! Checked in for the big flight and then sat down for a quick bite to eat, watching planes come in and out when these two bad boys rocked up.

It's now 9:15 BST on Tuesday as I write this, sitting at Terminal 1 in Heathrow at the rather handy free internet counter. We left Hong Kong after re-fuelling at about midnight their time last night - so maybe 4pm UK time on the 12th. Landed at 5.30 this morning, so, to save you working it all out, I've now been on the go for 35 hours. I know.

Stu was there at arrivals though, bless him. He wouldn't have been though, had he not been on an early shift! Enough time for a coffee and pastry before he had to clock on. Jen's dad arrived to take her home to Cheltenham so we said our goodbyes after a fab three-and-a-half weeks together, again, not knowing when we'd see each-other again. Another friend was on early duty, so I hopped on a bus back to Terminal three to see her and also to collect my hat, that I stupidly left behind in the ladies loo in the baggage hall a couple of hours earlier!

So I'm checked in for the fourth and final flight to Warsaw. Should get in about 2.30pm (38hrs travelling!) and I'll hopefully stay awake until bed-time so that I can be up bright and breezy for work tomorrow. I know. I'm trying not to think about that.

Holiday is over - it's been a blast and it starts here, if for any bizarre reason, you might be interested. No? Thought not!

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