
By magpie

Paisley Abbey

I almost feel like I need dual citizenship of the east and west coast of Scotland given that I have cut myself in half over the past few months and have a foot in Edinburgh and the Weeg. No matter really. Variety is the spice, as they say.

Today I found myself in Paisley while old Mrs Magpie went to get titivated at the hairdressers followed by a stomach-turning appointment at the eye clinic at the hospital for some laser zappage. Rather her than me. It was quite a relief when she came out exclaiming, 'I can see again!', followed by the grinning miracle-performing doctor.

This is one of the doorways of Paisley Abbey. Paisley, more than any towns I can think of, has been very badly affected by recession and neighbouring massive shopping centre. The trade and the spirit have gone, which is a shame because it is actually quite an interesting town and hosts the beautiful Paisley Abbey which I wandered around while I had the chance. What made the visit all the more enjoyable was the conversation of three old biddies in the gift shop. One of them was talking about how bus sick she got: 'Aye ma stomach pure churns, by the way, and there's nothing for it but tae huv a bottle o' ginger'. Fabulous.

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