
By willcarroll

Standing at the station, waiting for a train.

I snapped the roof of Taunton Station whilst waiting for my sister to arrive on a train from London. I was a little jaded after the drive from Edinburgh that morning, but my eye was wide enough to take in the shadows cast in the iron rafters.

I like old buildings. They make you wonder how many people have passed through. Particularly at a station: A place of meeting, and a place of parting. A place where journeys begin and where they end.

Every year for the past nine years I have made the pilgrimage to Spring Harvest in Minehead. It began as a trip with regular church friends. Now it is my priviledge to meet with the same people, but in a different context, as my everyday life is live out in Edinburgh.

These folk with whom I would shortly be reunited are a benchmark to me. Over the course of a year, we all journey through life. It's easy to get lost in the slow drift of events. So now at Spring Harvest, I have an opportunity to see through their eyes clearly- where has the past year of sojourning taken me?

Standing at the station, I can take a look at the arrivals and departures, and explore the question: "Am I on the right train?"

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