
By Jillybean

Fly Licey Fly

Had a track meet today. Vs Roslyn @ Roslyn. Was my first time triple and long jumping and it went quite swimmingly =]]]. And I came in first in the hurdlessss! This is Licey triple jumping. She came in second cause she's beast and all that jazz. (See Lice look you're better then me at something!).

Our team beat Roslyn 90something to 30 something...Well i guess you can say we demolished them...bu Jackie got hurt running the 4x100 =[ Heal fast Jackie! (I know you're reading this...and I still think you're less of a creep then Lice don't worry)

And there is absolutely nothing more to say.

Actually wait...tomorrow is my 300th blip! Any ideas as to what to do?

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream; you've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself."
-Diana Ross

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