Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


A slightly surreal moment earlier today when I looked up from my photo taking to find a whole row of people with cameras. Now I know what its like from the other side of a tour bus....quite odd!

We took a tour bus ourselves today, although not the Boston Duck Tours shown above, even though its in the shape of a boat and just wonderfully silly. We went for the more conventional Trolley Tour for the simple reason that you can hop on and off all day long. We took it right the way round seeing lots of lovely Boston (we like it very much indeed) then hopped off to have lunch at Quincy Market (amazingly delicious mac and cheese, it almost - and I say this very reluctantly - almost rivals my own) and a bit of a wander around which was most pleasant. :o)

Tonight we finally managed to go see a movie (we've intended to do this for the past couple of weeks but keep getting distracted by travelly type things to see and do instead) and happily settled in to watch Date Night with popcorn and a shake for dinner. Yum! It was v funny, I recommend.

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