Introducing the young ladies

Willow (left) and Panda are enjoying the run. They're still very skittish and extremely quick, but they aren't scared of Big Sid. I even caught Willow popcorning (term for a very happy guinea pig jumping in the air with all four feet) on the grass when she thought I wasn't looking. I introduced them to dandelion leaves this morning, which they thoroughly enjoyed.

I had a giggle fit when Big Sid made himself enormous by fluffing himself up. This is common guinea pig behaviour to make the body look bigger to threatening creatures. Big Sid is already huge compared to the two young ladies, and they weren't bothered at all by the extra fluff. However, if it made him feel better, then that's OK.

The three gps are getting along fine. Big Sid chatters his teeth at the ladies sometimes, usually around dinnertime. He does love his food and he obviously doesn't want the ladies to have first dibs. I watched the ladies (mostly Willow, I think) make run-and-grab missions last night under Big Sid's nose. His teeth chattered away, but there was no real menace. He's a gentle giant despite all the rattling.

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