Bryan 'J' Norfolk

By Bryanj

'Royal Arcade' Norwich

In the city this morning,for a wander and some lunch,following this I went to the lift to get out of the store,I meet them all the time!!! an elderly lady said oohh I'm glad someone else is here coz I dont like them lifts with only 1 arrow pointing downwards,I like them lifts with an arrow pointing up and another pointing down coz then you know where you are dunt ya ???
I replied pointing out that we were on the restaurant floor which was at the top of the building so we could only go 1 way and that was down.Well why dont they stick a bloody notice on there then saying ''No up.down only'' I have decided to be a tourist when I next visit the city and when Im asked something I will just say ''iya noa speeka da eengleesh ''
Todays blip is the Royal arcade in Norwich which houses some very nice shops and coffee houses.
Enjoy Wednesday xxb

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