With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It appears

that sometimes systems don't work, so it's somebody's law that at other times they do. It turns out that I was insured while I was working and I can have an MRI on Saturday and don't have to wait another 6 weeks. And then get treatment after that. It's sad that I am having to take them up on their kind offer, but it's very gratefully received.

that cats can recognise small people's voices, and when we purely coincidently happened to be walking back from the square very late, and not the normal route home, Suc popped his head through some railings and shouted at us to be found and extracted. He did some more shouting until he was fed, a lot, (he's been gone four days) and is now on my knee looking very tired, but well. The boys are absolutely delighted, and he's cheered quite a few other people up by his reappearance this evening. Thanks for all your concern.

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