Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


Being teacher and ¨dad¨ for a whole heap of college students for long stretches out in the remote Andes for the past 8 months doesn´t particularly lend itself to romance. I´m everything for everybody at all times and of all things, love, hahaha...I wish.

....but now, in only a few short days this bird is free. I cannot wait for the next step. I´ve learned a lot of things from this experience, both good and bad, but certainly one of the most telling is that responsibility can be a bitch of a burden and I´ve had more than I ever want to stomach in one sitting. I can´t wait to get reacquainted with myself, just me and no one else. And then, I´m excited to meet someone. It has been a lonely road these past months, but I know there must be someone out there for me. I can only hope we´ll find each other.

In a few short days now this bird will have flown the coop. North, as the giant silver eagle flies to the green hills of Colombia and the warm salty waves of the Caribbean sea. First thing on my list is ¨do absolutely nothing¨. I have a whole heap of great books I found at one of the rare international bookswaps in town and snagged three I can hardly even find in the states. De Biernes, Annie Dillard, and even some good ol Garcia Marquez, like this title shot I blipped.

Daydreaming of daydreams. Life, love and other demons under the breezy palms of the Caribe. White sand and the giant emptiness of the sea stretching out into the azul infinity.

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