Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon



I snapped this shot just before my eardrums were nearly blown out by a small canon of fireworks and red gassed explosions beside me in the crowd. The matchup is Cuenca versus a league winner come all the way up from Uruguay. Riot police man the perimeter of the field and stand sentinel in the circular periphery of the stadiums upper seats eying the crowd nervously. I´ve already got a big cup of Pilsner in my hand and the students just arrived back with hotdogs dripping in ketchup and mayonnaise. The players are manning up now midfield and flip a coin for first play. Here we go. I´m so excited! Despite all of the time I´ve spent in Latin America over the years I´ve never managed to make it out for a stadium futbol match until now.

It was the students who managed to sniff out word of the game weeks ago. Seth and I most un-grudgingly conceded it would be wicked fun. Its mid exam-papers for these guys but working up to the game tonight has been something to look forward to, a goal (with no pun intended=). Sierra, Bonnie, and Sarah all bought matching Cuenca league shirts to sport and the rest of us have our raincoats ready for the daily deluges likely for this evening. Looking around in the crowd everyone else seems to have the same ideas, ponchos to the ready as venders walk the crowds pedaling their wear....Ponchitos..ponchitos!... cerveza.. mani, salchipapas!..., round and round it goes.

Seems the competition was stiff and despite the hometown advantage neither team could manage a goal. As the second quarter rolled around the heavens broke and a steady drizzle coated the crowd of red, rustling now putting on cheap plastic ponchos and rain jackets. As the rain grew harder the die hard fans camped down near us only grew the more belligerent. Hurling abuse at the refs and singing pep chants. ¨Dale, dale, Cuencanos!¨. The momentum only grew but with the last seconds trickling away everyone resigned themselves to a tie....It was a bit anti-climatic, but I had so much fun!

The students headed home to finish up their work eating their hearts out the whole way I´m sure, while Will, Seth, and I went out for a few drinks. This is the last time we will see Will and we´ve only just discovered the joys of dudes night out together. My favorite spot is a place called Cigale, which means cicada in Spanish. It´s a mellow and hip spot, but really I go there because they serve the best Caiperehenas I´ve ever tasted. That night we put back five rounds, tripping home late only to find many of the students still working. Seth and I sneaked in sheepishly and incredulous, making a direct line for the kitchen to snack on late night leftovers before bidding adieu. Off to bed.

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