
not much to speak of.
No inspiration - so I took a pic from the front door whilst having a brew and a post evening meal ciggie! Not a great shot but I'm afraid it will just have to do!
Home made tagliatelle tonight.
Done lots of nagging today.
Trying to get through brick walls with nowt but a spoon for assistance would be easier some days.
Self control - that would be excellent for a small number who have exhibited little.
There's a gang of chav-kids lurking on the street outside our house. Am tempted to get James new toy - a Nerf gun - and go and fire foam bullets at them from the bedroom window. Just for fun!

A number of things have made me smile today, including the Dale Winton style perma-tanned man, wearing a bright pink shirt, in his big BMW shooting up behind my car and realising the rest of us were stopped - the look of terror on his orangey oompa lumpa face was great - he even put his phone down.

The other thing that made an ironic grin pass my face was another letter from the NHS ...which was advising me to make an appointment for the cervical screening test which I am now due .... they notified the results to me yesterday...the test was done 4 weeks ago. Can't beat efficient, joined up public services.

Really want to finish the wedding album. Really want to close my eyes and go to sleep. Think sleep is going to win.

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