Plus ça change...

By SooB

Putting down roots

Home today to Scotland, after a last morning playing on the farm by Mam & Dad's, and a visit to my aunt - who is bearing up very well.

Thank you so much for all your very kind words of support yesterday. The strange thing is, it was actually a really lovely day - I didn't write much about all that. And my uncle had been suffering so terribly and for so many years, that in the end his death really was a sort of release. My aunt said she knew it was time to let go when he went off his food - he was always one for a good dinner. Still, an unsettling time for all of us, and a life-changing one for her.

Here are the presents we were sent home with from my Mam: a broad bean for Katherine, a sunflower for Conor and two chitted potatoes for me. I've been thinking a lot today about roots and communities, I suppose it's the possibility of a house move on the horizon. Funny old business really. Part of me is really sad at the thought of leaving - all the wonderful friendships I have here, and the community involvement I've built up - but another smaller, more insistent, part of me is kind of excited. We have almost* no ties. We could go anywhere in the world. Now isn't that just a bit exciting?

Of course, where we'll end up initially is Fife. Which is a start, but not exactly bohemian.

*Parents. Eek. I'm dreading those conversations.

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