Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Today was very much a day of aimless wandering which was very nice indeed :) Sometimes having absolutely no purpose is the nicest way to spend your day!

We had a lovely walk through the common and saw the wonderful swan boats being put into the water, then had a fab time with the ducklings. The ducklings are from a childrens story called "Make way for ducklings" by Robert McClosky and are super sweet. The book was inspired by the author watching a policeman helping a mother duck and her wee ones cross the road. Awww....

Next we found ourselves right across the road from the Cheers! Bar so just had to take a few wee pics of that too. I felt the overwhelming need to sing the theme song a few times much to the disgust of any passing locals I'm sure (and Maggie) but it is a very catchy tune and once its in your head you just can't help yourself.

Where everybody knows your doo doo....and you're always glad you came....

Try not singing that out loud now!

We took a wee stroll up Charles St and gazed at all the pretty shops with their pretty signs and very expensive goods. Its a gorgeous street and they haven't allowed anything to move in and spoil it, even Starbucks and the 7Eleven have lovely signs. Oh to have some money to spend there!

Tonight is packing time again. Tomorrow, Martha's Vineyard! We are heading out in a bit to stock up on groceries as the place we are staying in will actually have cooking facilities. Hooray! Finally some cheaper, healthier food. And some wine. You don't need a cooker for that, but we're getting some anyway....

The whole time I've been here I've been biting back the urge to say that I wanted to "Paahrk my caahr in Haahvaahd Yaaahd". But as I'm leaving Boston (and M wont let me say it out loud) this is my last chance! The folks round these parts just love their aahhhh sounds, it's great, makes me want to do it too.

We've really loved Boston but alas its already time to move on again. I'm so looking forward to a few days of total relaxation though, it'll be nice not to have to rush around seeing as much as possible. Just kick back and catch up with a bit of r and r (rest and reading) in lovely surroundings. Aahhh!

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