
By willcarroll

Bottoms Up

My journey home to Edinburgh from Cornwall was somewhat delayed by an accident on the M6. Although I'd probably still have taken a faster journey home, there were up-sides: I was at the Westmoorland Farm Shop at dinner time!

I grabbed mouthfuls of delicious Vegetable Soup and Guiness Cake (alcohol evaporated off in the baking!), between photographing the playful ducks just outside. I wonder what they are looking for? I bet it won't have been as tasty as what I had infront of me!

As I left and headed further up the M6, I was treated to a pastel-perfect sunset that my more romantic side would have loved to share on a lazy hillside. With a flat camera battery, I contented myself with taking it in alone and at 70 mph.

As I ease back in to life after holidays, I hope to be prepared for what life brings my way. I aim to remember to take life at a pace that savours what is on offer. And I hope always to find someone with whom to share it.

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