Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Puppy Paws

"Puppy Paws"......yesterday's blip was the feet and today's blip, showcases his hands.

Our son holding on to the chain link fence cheering for his cousin during today's T-Ball game. He will be playing next year and is so excited, he can hardly wait. Our nephew loves his little team and it was adorable when all of the kids started chanting his name when he was up to bat. T-ball. More than just an introductory sport. A confidence building experience for every single child on the team. An opportunity to have fun and....HAVE FUN!

This afternoon took an unexpected turn when we got back from the park. Our kids were busy gardening in my "yet to be planted" gardening box. Our 2 year old daughter scooped up some dirt with her mini flowered shovel, flung it into the air, and the shovel caught our son right above his eye. Three stitches. His first three stitches and hopefully his last. Please let there be no more stitches!

Now we are all off to a birthday party. My son is as happy as can be with his new neon orange bandaid and his chocolate milkshake. He is so darn cute with that constant smile of his.

Keep smiling my love, always just keep on smiling!!!

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