
By baldywilson

Salisbury Cathedral

I found myself unexpectedly in Salisbury in Wiltshire today. Unexpectedly, because I got a text-message from my parents on Friday saying, "Hi, we're in Salisbury", and it didn't occur to me until my wife pointed it out to me later that Salisbury is only an hour's drive from where I live.

This is Salisbury Cathedral which apparently has the largest cathedral spire in Britain. It is so big that I spotted it coming down the A345 about 3 miles outside Salisbury over the top of nearby hills. I didn't actually realise what it was, because it looked to...well...big.

I suspect it is that big because the Cathedral is not in the traditional place to build a big church: on a hill; but is instead built at a low point surrounded by hills, so the only way anyone for miles around will find it is by building a huge great spire.

This, incidentally, is the side of Salisbury Cathedral not currently crawling in scaffolding.

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