Sorry For Noise

I know I do a lot of blips about construction, it's just that I am surrounded by it. Digging, drilling, wooshing ( hydraulic cement pumps)...

As a hobby, I make these handmade cards. I realise this may seem a strange sort of greeting card in other parts of the world : )

Today, what happened? Well, it was Zimbabwe's Independence Day. 30 years with the same president. At least there is a new PM now, trying to make a difference in a power-sharing government.

What else? An unfortunate man got knocked over by a car right outside my window. He was a worker from the massive building site in front of my building. Six police vans came, and also an ambulance to take the poor guy to hospital. The driver arranged this, at least.

Also, there was a tropical thunderstorm with lightening and everything! Lots of rain just after sunset. These storms come every year, but not very often. They are always very welcome.

It broke the humidity for a while, and now we will have puddles for days, as the drainage system isn't that good on the roads.

It is great to have a storm like this as it settles the dust.

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