
By Sn2


Here it comes.

Spent the day working on our house. Painting, scraping, sawing, hammering, screwing, wiring, bashing, swearing, eating, sleeping then getting up to more of the same the next morning.

As Miss O'hara was want to say (only once in fact):
"tomorrow is anotha day"

or as JRR Tolkien wrote:
"Time flows on to a spring of little hope"

Now how's that for a little pick-me-up? Especially as we're in fact heading into the deep and thoughtful quiet of winter (not my phrase either but more of Tolkien) and not spring at all. Maybe by spring we will have finished the damn house. Funny how we're promising ourselves that once the house renovations are finished, we will get out more. Funny in that once it's finished we'll be spending less time in it?!?

Go figure that one out.

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