Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

The MBT Rock

The Mount Baker Theatre Rock, to give it its full title, was going to be yesterday's blip -- until I saw my chance to get onto the MBT stage. I was pretty sure the rock would still be there anytime I chose to blip it, albeit partially obscured by parked cars.

The rock rests in the alley that runs alongside the theater -- the long white building.
The stage loading dock ramp is visible on the right edge of the upper left photo, and can also be seen in the lower photo. The photo on the right shows the end of the rock located inside the other building.

Technical disclaimer follows:

This was my first ever attempt at creating a collage, and the first time I'd used Photoshop (Elements) in years. The individual photos got a little distorted in the process, and the final image file is much smaller than the normal photo files I upload.

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