Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

More Education

It's time to take some more classes.

I'd been thinking for a long time about using Adobe Lightroom, and recently found that I could sign up for a class at the local community college and buy the education version of the software. The total cost for class and software is $180, compared to the normal price of $260 just for the software. When I mentioned this to a photographer friend, she was very interested in taking the class, and persuaded me to sign up so that we could take it together.

The class (two 3-hour sessions) isn't until late June, but we thought we should get the software early and try to get a head start. I picked up our copies last week, a few days before tax returns were due (April 18th), and resisted the temptation to install the program until today. I haven't gotten very far past the point of importing some photos yet.

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