Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Lucy. Reflective.

Considering how intelligent she is, Lucy still doesn't fully understand that she's the one on the other side of the window. She does it with the mirror too, she never attacks - just looks and ponders. Wonders why the other cat won't respond to her miaowing or padding at the surface. If it were Linus he'd probably just launch himself at things so thank God he's not discovered his reflection yet.

Another really productive day at work. I'm getting more into the swing of the new job and am able to be far more independant and can use my initiative now. I hate having to rely on other people to 'okay' things so I'm really grateful for this.

Tonight planned an evening all to myself with rubbish TV and a microwave meal. But my friend turned up for a cuppa and since her life is far more interesting than mine I let her tell me lots of stories about being a policewoman. And the crazy people she comes into contact with on a daily basis now. Whoever said being a police officer was all paperwork was lying. ;)

Also on a happy note today is Acronymphomania's 200th Blip. He's captured something really subtle and meaningful. Please check it out. :)

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