Toasting the mayo
No, that's not a euphemism - we'll get to that.
First, thanks everyone for the lovely cheery comments on yesterday's 730 blip, I've been floating on a happy blip cloud all day because of that. And tonight headed into town for a blipmeet - some old faces and some new, and a really fun time. Here's Magpie appropriately enough sneaking in for one of acronymphomania's chips.
The mayo, you will see, has a tinge of red - result of having some of my wine spilt in it by wingpig (had to put that in - it's so unusual for me to get through a whole evening without spilling something).
I did get a lovely (I think) shot of dottymummy which I may put up on flickr when I'm next on there. I'm oddly shy with the camera around people - even at blip events. One day I'll be more like the Lady and take portraits of everyone.
Anyway, that's enough links for now - I'm sure someone more organised than me will organise links to all present. Chat ranged from skinning rabbits to secret buckthorn sites (shh), school trips to who knows who in Edinburgh.
Lovely evening, as I say, marred only slightly by a panicky search for a garage open at 10.45pm to get some petrol.... The gauge on our car is a bit dodgy (I'm learning) and dropped from 1/8th full to basically empty in 20 yards. I don't like filling the car up. Not just the astronomical cost, but also I'm just a bit scared of petrol. I think it's those warnings not to use phones near petrol pumps that does it - I just can't help imagining the whole thing is going to erupt into a fireball. I'm told it doesn't happen very often, but you never know. So generally I leave the car as long as I can, in the hope that Mr B will use it and fill it up for me.
The lens didn't arrive (ash cloud, apparently - after 6 days of airspace being closed, it doesn't seem to have occurred to Royal Mail to consider alternative means of transporting Special Delivery parcels. To say nothing of the daftness of driving something 100 miles to an airport, flying 300 miles, then driving another 30 miles to deliver it.) Anyway, the long wait in for the non-arriving parcel did at least give me some dead time to plant some seeds. And tomorrow (or the next day) I WILL have my new lens.
(Asda, in case you ever need to know, open 24 hours.)
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