Old dogs, new tricks
This should have appeared earlier. A lot earlier. My new graphics tablet, while lovely and very easy to use... is not liked by my version of Photoshop Elements. So I have patiently built this shot twice now. With several crashes and computer restarts included.... (And I am now better trained and save after each new layer is added....)
Anyway, I will work that out and today I cannot be cross with anything. Because today I have finally reached 730 blips.
Customary thanks to blipcentral, but not in a flippant way. What a site. Facebook has come and (pretty much) gone for me. Twitter, ditto. And I'm sure there are many more that I've just ignored. But blip is so much a part of my routine now that I get twitchy if I'm away from it for more than a day or so. And it is hard to pass the computer without just refreshing the screen to see who's uploaded since I last checked. The place has changed so much even just since I joined - but all for the better, to my mind.
Of course, the main thanks go to everyone in the blip community: the kindly folk who pop by and comment even when I'm talking nonsense, the blippers who inspire me daily with their art and their words.
So, here's a bunch of round things I found around the house, for no reason other than it was the only idea I had!
Here's <raising glass of red wine> to blip.
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