
By chocaddict

Wasp on Smoothie

Went for a smoothie drink with my very best friend Cloé..Innocently sitting with a delicious smoothie we got attacked by an army of wasps..Well, the beasties are small, they say the wasps arent a vermin, but Im allergic to them no matter how useful they are to the world!
The first one wanted to explore my throat, the second my neck, the third other delicat places, finally I got so upset that I smashed some glasses on half of the army and caught the nastiest of the beasties and put it into a glass and sealed it with another one..
No, I didnt kill it, after it had indulged itself with the rest of our smoothie I simply let it go..but it only fell to the floor like a heavy stone..fat, fat waspy..I suppose that was the gods punishment for its incredible greedyness!

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