Photography club MCS

We had our second meeting this afternoon and quite a few of the students popped in to have a look, after their Duty Panel meeting, so, I don't really think this will be the permanent group, we will wait and see! ;-)

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Petunia~PiXi opened her account last week already and in fact published her seventh journal entry today! One of the boys aparantely opened an account already as well, but he was absent today and I don't know his Blip name and whether he published a pic yet, will tell you as soon as I know!!

The five girls in front indicated that they are interested in joining, all the rest are the Duty Panel members, who had their weekly meeting and just joined in afterwards, I dééply hope to get some of them involved as well!

The 'big guy' with white shirt in the back row is R jnr and next to him is his beloved 'A'! Please pardon the motion on the right side of the picture, Johan was having só much fun, he thoroughly enjoyed the meeting! He is such a lovely boy, full of energy! ;-)

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